Names are important. Everyone knows this. Writers and expectant
mothers spend long hours on trying to decide if they can name a
character/child “Calvin” even though it means “bald.” We like to hear our own
names used. Most of the time, unless you’re oblivious like me, someone calling
(or especially whispering) your own name will yank your attention even in the
middle of a loud environment.
The problem is, it’s hard to remember other people’s names,
especially when you meet them in a larger group. But never fear, my friends,
after three full years in college where I meet masses of people and forget who
they are almost instantly, I have found a solution: be a name ninja.
Name ninjas are those who have found subtle, sneaky ways to
avoid the perils of awkward encounters where the other person clearly knows
you, but you don’t know them. Here are a few of the moves in my extensive ninja